Our mission is to help people transform their lives through learning and opportunity.

Why the name Aspireship?

An Aspireship is a new kind of online reskilling and upskilling program designed as a bridge to advance you to a new step in your career. Unlike an internship, an Aspireship combines learning and tactical experience with a one-of-a-kind process to prove to yourself (and the world) that you’re ready to excel on the job. It’s the fastest, most flexible and affordable path to make a career transition or level up your skills in the workplace.


More On Our Story

Aspireship’s Founder, Corey Kossack, previously founded a SaaS company that was acquired by a publicly traded company with thousands of employees.

Throughout the journey from small startup to large growth company, Corey quickly realized that the greatest challenge of operating a fast-growth company is hiring, developing and retaining great people. Even inside a very successful SaaS company, hiring was slow, performance was scattered and employee turnover was high. As Corey looked deeper, he discovered that companies everywhere were facing these same challenges.

At the same time, talented people from other departments within the company started approaching Corey for advice on how to land a promotion, transition to a new role or develop a new set of skills to transform their career. They all had a common experience... they were being judged by their most recent job title instead of by their skills and capabilities.

Corey Kossack, Aspireship Founder and CEO.

The more Corey saw these capable workers denied a chance, the more he felt there needed to be two big changes:

  1. There had to be a shift where companies started looking at the skills and capabilities an individual brings to the table instead of putting them in a box based on their most recent jobs. 

  2. There also needed to be a solution to bring about that change, where people could prove that they could handle the job even if their resume didn’t reflect it. 

With the massive opportunity in hand to reshape the way professionals pursue career changes and companies build and develop their teams, Aspireship was born in October of 2019. 

Your Future. Our Focus.

Since our humble beginnings, we’ve assembled a passionate team of SaaS and technology leaders who are committed to helping people who want to help themselves, and we have received incredible support from many of the top voices in SaaS who contribute to Aspireship curriculum and learning content. 

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