You’ve been plugging along this summer: prospecting, PTO’ing and working to close each month strong. After August and September, the countdown to Q4 is on. If the summer slow down has put you into a mental lull, then this Live! Is for you. Brandon Roberts, Chief Commercial Officer at Xplor, is our guest on a topic he knows really well: mindset reset. Ready to reboot? Join us at Live!
About Brandon Roberts
Brandon is all about getting better everyday and helping others do the same. He is a growth focused revenue leader that has driven 10x ARR growth holding various sales leadership roles. Brandon also has a strong desire to build other leaders by continually focusing on developing a culture of growth and stretching people beyond their potential. He has built successful sales and operations organizations and is always focused on “how” the revenue team will hit aggressive sales targets. Early in Brandon's career, he spent 8 years as a professional baseball player with the Reds, Twins, and Rockies. Competing at this elite level taught him the true meaning of grit, mental toughness, confidence, adaptability, coachability, and how to embrace a practice mindset.
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