According to the Rain Group, “82% of buyers say they have accepted meetings with salespeople after a series of contacts beginning with sales cold calls.” And yet, ask a new SDR or AE to share one of the biggest challenges they face and they’ll likely reply, “picking up the phone.” Whether you’re cold calling or following up with prospects, it’s time to stop fearing the phone. And this Aspireship Live! featuring Ken Baldo, VP of Sales and 39x marathon runner, will help you dial up and go the distance!
About Ken Baldo
Ken Baldo is the Vice President of Sales for STOPIt Solutions. Ranked as a Top 100 LinkedIn Sales Star, Ken empowers change that transforms managers and salespeople into a unified goal-exceeding force that consistently turns in top results. A 39x marathon and beyond finisher, he runs sales teams like he runs marathons – to win!
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