Do you have a “one size fits all” approach to your discovery calls? The truth is, you should be tailoring your script during this critical stage in the sales process to reflect the size of the deal you’re trying to close. Scott Sambucci, Founder & CEO of Salesqualia, joins us on Aspireship Live! to talk through different ways to do discovery based on who’s on the other end of the call.
About Scott Sambucci
Scott Sambucci is a startup coach, keynote speaker, podcaster, and best-selling author. He has spent 25 years building and selling enterprise technology products as an executive at two publicly traded companies and leading three Silicon Valley startups each to their first millions in revenue. Today, as the Founder and Chief Sales Geek at SalesQualia, Scott and his team work with enterprise SaaS startups and tech companies all over the world and across several industries. Outside of work, Sambucci is an accomplished endurance athlete, including three Ironman triathlon finishes, an 11-mile swim across Lake Tahoe, and a 21-mile ocean swim across the Catalina Channel.
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