How to Hire Better.
In this market, simply vetting for experience won’t reveal the BEST candidate.
An interview accompanied by a 30-60-90 plan won’t either.
When you as the employer have a robust candidate pool, you need to see them in action.
Have them DO the job.
Be clear about what you’re looking for, document how you’ll test throughout the hiring process to measure the candidates on those attributes and capabilities, and allow for the candidate to experience the job.
When hiring an Executive Assistant, for instance, one of the top characteristics I’ve looked for in the past is that he/she is extremely detail oriented. Step one in the hiring process is to answer five questions on the last section of their page numbered resume.
If the pages aren’t numbered, we don’t move forward.
When hiring a Sales Analyst in a fast-paced, highly-growth startup, agility and the ability to communicate clearly are key traits. The project for this role will have a robust data set with less-than-perfect instructions, a relatively tight turn-around time, and they’ll be presenting the findings to the team.
Because that is THE JOB.
Remove the uncertainty for you and for them.
Some will self-select out.
Others will rise to the top.