Job Search Options in SaaS Sales

Recent Linkedin data revealed the median time to hire by industry. For sales, the average was 38 days. And that’s from the first interview to signing the offer. 

Modern job seekers know, landing that first interview is one of the most time consuming pieces of the puzzle. In a 2020 blog post written by the Career Services Center at Lehigh University, more eye opening job search stats were revealed: “it takes 100-200+ applications to receive one job offer. In a further breakdown, you have an 8.3% chance of getting a job interview from a single job application. That means it takes 10-20 applications to get one interview and 10-15 interviews to get one job offer.”

The job market in the SaaS sales industry is no different. However, there is a faster, more supportive and robust way to get hired for SaaS sales role and that is with Aspireship.

Educational infographic titled "Job Search Options in SaaS Sales," which compares looking for a job with the help of Aspireship to looking for a job on your own; Aspireship provides a free, online, on-demand SaaS sales training course and offers job placement opportunities to Aspireship graduates.

When you job search with Aspireship:

  • Prior exposure and practice to help you perform in a SaaS sales role 
  • Clarity on the status of your application and where you stand
  • Our team submits you directly to our hiring partners that match your needs
  • Personalized insights to help you improve and grow
  • 3 in 4 Aspireship grads get a job in under 60 days: that includes our training and at least two interviews (or more) with hiring partners

Learn more about how Aspireship helps you get a job in SaaS Sales.

When you job search on your own:

  • Roadblocks due to “lack of SaaS experience”
  • All search – very few interviews and offers
  • No way to track the status of your application
  • Your time is spent applying to jobs every day
  • If you’re new, you may jump in without any prior training while having the pressure of onboarding and needing to meet and exceed goals

There needs to be a change in the way we hire. That’s why we’re here. 

We also need to change the way in which we look for jobs and advance our careers. The old model has us hitting the pavement, moving at a snail’s pace while burning out on hamster wheel type action. 

This new way of job searching, the one where there is free training, support and jobs delivered right to you, based on your specific needs and priorities,  is the way of the future.

Are you ready to make the switch? Sign up to get started!

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